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Christmas Fund: Staff and owner forgo fancy Christmas party, support charity instead

Merry Maids donates $1,000 to TC Christmas Fund

After a fancy staff Christmas party last year, Merry Maids owner Scott Tanner thought of doing something different this year.

Staff jumped at the idea of scaling back Christmas celebrations by supporting a charity.

They wanted to back a cause that did not have administration expenses and picked the Times Colonist Christmas Fund.

This year, Merry Maids is donating $1,000 to the fund, said Tanner, who owns the business with his wife Susan, and the staff party has been scaled back to a wine and cheese the Tanners will host at their home.

"Everyone here is ecstatic that we can make a donation that goes directly to the people within our community," he said. "I think this will become an annual event.

Tanner said his staff liked the idea of their donation helping families and children.

A report released yesterday said that 96 per cent of small businesses in this province support charities through volunteering and/or money. Hewlett Packard Canada carried out the survey for the Canadian Federation of Independent Business.

The survey found that 75 per cent of small business owners supplied cash donations to charities and close to half dedicated personal time. Businesses also made in-kind donations, promoted local causes and let staff take time off to volunteer.

"Despite the long hours and challenges involved in dealing with their day-to-day operations, small business owners are still finding the time to give back to the communities in which they are located," said Laura Jones, CFIB vice-president of Western Canada.

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The 51st annual TC Christmas Fund is underway. The Fund raises money for people in need at Christmas. Money raised is used to purchase grocery vouchers and Zellers/HBC gift cards for children's presents. Times Colonist staff deliver the vouchers and gift certificates to families.

To donate to the TC Christmas Fund:

- Mail a cheque to the Times Colonist Christmas Fund, 2621 Douglas St., Victoria, V8T 4M2.

- Use your credit card: 995-4438.

- See our website,