Time seems to enter into every moment of our day. We talk about having no time, about time-consuming activities, or that a problem is taking too much time to resolve. A lesson I learned is that time does not have to be a factor in our lives – in our health or happiness.
At one time, I spent weeks in a dark, mental funk. I was feeling unwell. Although married to a fine husband, I felt completely alone in my troubles. My best spiritual soul mate, my mother, was 400 kilometers away, and I missed her.
I refused to go out, stopped talking to friends or attending dance classes. Although I was practising a spiritual approach to healing my sadness, I felt no relief; instead, holed up in my house, I was feeling unwell, depressed, and totally cut off from joy.
Finally, my husband convinced me to come dancing with him, just once. To my surprise, I found it was fun! The laughter and new friendships brought a little light into my darkness, but also gave me a clue to how I could experience this light more permanently.
The next morning, my meditations about God’s goodness and nearness felt inspired. I thought deeply about how natural it was for the infinite power and presence I call God, to care for me, and everyone. Surely He wanted me to be happy with others. One Bible verse from the book of Jeremiah was particularly helpful: “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Feeling motivated and energized by this love, it seemed logical that if I wanted to feel more of God’s love, I needed to be out among His people, actively loving them.
I decided to walk to town, and to practise thinking of each person I encountered as a child of God – to greet each one as if he was a loved brother or sister. I was also grateful for every good thing I noticed. Soon it felt like I was in the presence of God, of divine Love. I felt happy being kind and cheerful with everyone I passed, although I didn’t know any of them. Many returned my smiles, bringing me more joy. My sense of loneliness was removed – healed – not through time, but by changing my view of myself, and others. It was a turning point in my life.
Joy and love are timeless qualities that can be re-discovered right in the midst of feeling socially isolated and alone. It doesn’t matter whether the cause of our sadness is separation from family, the fear of disease, or advancing years.
God’s love for us is larger than any human situation. I have found that God will lead us to new views of His goodness and love; and this, in turn, will bring us into a whole new way of thinking about ourselves – one that blesses both ourselves and others. And it takes no time at all – just a change of thought.
Dave Hohle, a teacher of Christian Science healing from Chicago, will be in Victoria to discuss these ideas in a one-hour talk and slide show titled, “Time is Not a Factor in Your Life.” Hohle will share examples of how he leans on God’s timeless love. He will also share some interesting scientific discoveries about the nature of time, as well as his own experiences in accepting an increased sense of freedom from limitations associated with age and time.
The talk will be held at First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1205 Pandora at Chambers, on Friday, May 27, at 7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome.
Ginny Chadwick lives with her husband in Victoria and has been practising Christian Science healing all her adult life.
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*This article was published in the print edition of the Times Colonist on Saturday, May 21 2016