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Coleman's trip sparks questions

Re: "B.C. minister off to London," July 28. Rich Coleman is heading to London? During the Olympics? For a conference on energy? Organized by Gordon Campbell? On the taxpayers' dime? Say it ain't so Jon Blair Sidney

Errors and arrogance trump accountability

Re: "Auditor: Legislature finances 'really bad,'" July 27. NDP house leader John Horgan thinks the findings of the auditor general's audit on legislature finances are an embarrassment for all members of the legislature. It goes far beyond that.

Operating-room closures a cost-saving measure

Re: "Cancer patient faces surgery delay," July 28. The unfortunate delay in this patient's treatment is precisely because of the operating room closures which occur each summer (and at Christmas and spring break).

B.C.'s legislators need to learn math skills

Re: "Math skills also need upgrading," July 28.

Choose a new route for the pipeline

Re: "Clark walks out of energy talks," July 28. It's a case of locking the barn door after the horse has gone. It is plain to see the economic benefit that the pipeline would bring, but it is equally plain to see that the route is the wrong one.

London trip is cronyism at its best

Re: "B.C. minister off to London," July 28. How interesting to find that a previously scheduled vacation time coincides with an energy conference being held during the Olympic Games in London.

Step-by-step approach for amalgamation

Normally, I'd be the first to support amalgamating all the small municipalities that constitute metro Victoria. The excess costs are daily evident, the politicians too numerous, and the planning squabbles depressing.

Treatment for cancer was top-notch

Re: "Cancer patient faces surgery delay," July 28. The article about Lydia Wingate's "outrageous" wait for surgery to remove some breast cancer struck a chord - I was in the same situation a year ago.

Here's an idea worth considering

Re: "An idea from B.C.'s past could change its future," July 29. Jim Hume suggests moving oil by rail instead of a pipeline. I think it's a great idea.

Premier's tactics are childish

Re: "Pipeline stance is premier's graduation party," July 28. Bob Plecas claims that Premier Christy Clark is showing political maturity in standing up for B.C. Balderdash.