Congregation Emanu-El Synagogue is pleased to present talks by Amber Woods and Dr. Brian Pollick on Sunday, May 19 at 2:00 pm. Both talks take place at Congregation Emanu-El Synagogue, 1461 Blanshard Street, Victoria V8W 2J3.
Jewish Pioneers and Community Leaders 1859 to 1900 with Amber Woods
Learn from Amber Woods about the Jewish founders and pioneers who established Congregation Emanu-El and contributed to the business, political, and cultural life of a young and vibrant Victoria.
The Building of Congregation Emanu-El: Architecture as a Sacred and Social Jewish Narrative in Early Victoria with Dr. Brian Pollick
Building our synagogue in 1863 was a bold statement about the religious and social
aspirations of the small Victoria Jewish community. Dr. Brian Pollick will talk about
the features of Romanesque Revival architecture, with specific focus on our building, and why this style may have been chosen for the synagogue.
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