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Spiritually Speaking

Allowing the Divine to enter into human planning

A few years ago we were planning a meeting and we sat down to look at all the options before us. We had met on a number of occasions and thought through every minute of the meeting. We were very sure that all the bases were covered.

A spiritual perspective on the legalizing of pot

The city is gaining a surprising number of cannabis dispensaries recently. But maybe that shouldn’t be a surprise. The wisdom of the drug war is finally coming under intense scrutiny, for good reason.

Guaranteed income a solution to poverty?

Are there solutions to issues such as homelessness, addiction, poverty, and overstressed mental health services? “A decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilization,” wrote Samuel Johnson .

X-Men: Apocalypse and the search for a loving God

It seems that every day we are assailed with news from every corner of the globe that threatens to overwhelm many aspects of our lives and possibly destroy the world we know.

People's spiritual qualities are not rooted in gender

Are men and women really hardwired from birth to think, act and communicate differently? For generations we have been led to believe this is the case.

Moving from Shame to Pride

This week, Pride week, the Anglican Churches in the Diocese of British Columbia have been taking an active part in celebrating the rich diversity of sexual and gender identity which is so much a part of the Pride ethos.

Discovering the love that heals brokenness

Many of the events and experiences we have in life can leave us feeling broken. We see brokenness on a personal and social level every day, and may ourselves feel fragmented and shattered. It seems unavoidable.

The inspiring practice of spirituality within an institution

Over the past several weeks, I’ve engaged in a number of conversations about the health of institutions. In an anti-institutional age, I’m a contrarian. I think institutions matter.

Victoria Cultural Arts Festival of India - July 1-3

An exciting event is happening in Victoria during the Canada Day weekend that visitors will enjoy immensely – the colourful Cultural Festival of India. Please see the attached poster.

Finding healthy ways to grieve

In the early part of June, I spent a long week in Ontario dealing with deaths. The first, John Duncan, a mentor of mine in ministry, died in October, 2014.