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Oct. 8, 1918: Ban on meetings to check spread of germs

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Regulations issued by the Provincial Board of Health this afternoon ... compel the closing of all places of assembly as a preventative measure against the spread of Spanish influenza.

To deal with this vitally important question, a special meeting of the Provincial Cabinet was called at noon to-day to consider the draft of regulations submitted by the Attorney-General. ...

As well as the City of Victoria, the Township of Esquimalt, the Municipality of Saanich and District of Oak Bay are similarly included and are subject to the effect of the regulations now in force until such times as the Provincial Board of Health deems the danger past.

"Place of Assembly" Means:

In the regulations referred to the expression "place of assembly" means any cathedral, church, chapel, mission or place used for the holding of any religious or devotional meeting, school class, or service; any public or private school, college, or university; any class room, lecture room, or assembly-room; any public library; any theatre, within the meaning of the interpretation section of the Health Act; any moving picture theatre, dance hall, pool room, gymnasium, swimming pool or skating rink; any public fair or exhibition; any public auction; any lodge or society meeting of any fraternal, benevolent, or trades order, society, or union; any literary or social club; any place where any public or private dance is held; and such buildings, rooms and places as the Provincial Board of Health may by order from time to time add to those enumerated in this section.

-- Victoria Daily Times