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Kevin Greenard: Opening accounts remotely is the future

Kevin Greenard: Opening accounts remotely is the future

We offer all new clients the option to either open new accounts the traditional way or electronically. Traditionally we would print the documents out and meet with the client to obtain signatures.
Kevin Greenard: Remote meetings with your portfolio manager

Kevin Greenard: Remote meetings with your portfolio manager

Prior to March 2020, approximately 30 per cent of the meetings we held were done remotely. The remaining 70 per cent were done in person. As a portfolio manager we have always had the ability to do remote meetings.
Kevin Greenard: Increase in B.C. taxes results in harsh tax on death

Kevin Greenard: Increase in B.C. taxes results in harsh tax on death

Throughout our working lives we can reduce our annual tax bill by making RRSP contributions. Withdrawals from registered accounts are generally considered taxable income in the year the withdrawals are made.
Kevin Greenard: Use caution when reducing RRIF payments

Kevin Greenard: Use caution when reducing RRIF payments

In March 2020 the government announced that the minimum amount that must be withdrawn from RRIFs will be reduced by 25 per cent for 2020 as part of the Covid-19 Economic Response Plan.
Kevin Greenard: Avoid these equity investing mistakes

Kevin Greenard: Avoid these equity investing mistakes

Asset allocation is the percentage an investor has in cash, fixed income, and equities.
Kevin Greenard: Fixed income options becoming more complex as yields drop

Kevin Greenard: Fixed income options becoming more complex as yields drop

As a portfolio manager, we are always monitoring the direction of interest rates. For nearly two decades, the Bank of Canada (BOC) has adopted a system whereby they make eight scheduled interest rate announcements a year. The dates for 2020 are Jan.
Kevin Greenard: Cash within a diversified portfolio

Kevin Greenard: Cash within a diversified portfolio

Asset allocation refers to the percentage an investor has in cash, fixed income, and equities. This article will focus solely on the cash component.
Kevin Greenard: Don't catch a falling knife

Kevin Greenard: Don't catch a falling knife

The investment world has some commonly used sayings, including: “Don’t catch a falling knife.” Essentially this is referring to the danger in trying to purchase stocks as they are declining sharply.
Kevin Greenard: Managing market volatility

Kevin Greenard: Managing market volatility

There has never been a market correction that has not recovered. Of course, this time could be different — but something tells me it isn’t. Market corrections are part of the natural cycle of the stock market.
Kevin Greenard: Financially, second marriages can be especially tricky

Kevin Greenard: Financially, second marriages can be especially tricky

Part four of a four-part series The statistics for second marriages succeeding are even worse than for first marriages. As a portfolio manager, my personal advice is based on many years of helping clients, and nothing I read in a textbook.