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Spiritually Speaking

Show willingness to be prodigal with compassion

Have you ever heard, or used, the phrase ‘prodigal son’? It’s one of those terms that sneaked its way into the English language from the Bible over many centuries – but I am not sure (to quote Inigo Montoya from ‘The Princess Bride’,) “That word mean

Practising the Hindu concept of Unity

In my previous article, I described the principle of Unity in the Universe, with the spiritual message from the sacred Hindu scripture Isha Upanishad.

Hindu notion of unity an antidote to global turmoil

We’re all aware of the turmoil around the globe – whether it is political turmoil, economic upheaval, environmental disasters, social issues, human rights issues, or the unequal distribution of resources and wealth.

Working together on challenges and affirmations

My last column/blog resulted in lots of affirmation, and a little challenge. I appreciated both. As is my wont, I was pushed to consider the challenge more than the affirmation.

Finding refuge in the grace of love

When we provide a refuge, who finds salvation? There’s a story about a huge storm lashing the beaches of a coastal region with so much fury that thousands upon thousands of star-fish were washed up and left to die in the dehydration of the next day’s

Of Rainbows and Racism

This morning, as rain and dark clouds conspired to enhance the quality of light gracing leaves, grass and all living things in my backyard, a sky-wide double rainbow transformed the neighbourhood into a world of magical possibility.

How practising Zen can polish our rough rocks

I spent the morning doing housework with a zen priest (my husband Doshu) and came away feeling healed.

God's love - making meaningful change in our world

We live in a world where millions of people are striving to make changes for the better.

Lent offers new growth and life we hope for

This past Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, began the season of Lent for many Christians. Forty days plus Sundays, Lent is preparation for the Holy days of Good Friday and Easter, remembering the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus.

When D & G and Islam cross paths

Fashion. Italy. Milan. Dolce & Gabbana. A couple of words that fit together so seamlessly in our minds. But what happens if we add another word? Fashion. Italy. Milan. Dolce & Gabbana. Muslim. And that is exactly what D&G did.