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Spiritually Speaking

Don't let prejudice ruin your view of people

Husnu dhan . It is a term meaning to ‘have a good opinion of people.’ And as simple as it sounds, we all know how hard this can be when dealing with day to day complications and events.

World Interfaith Harmony Week celebrated in Victoria

You're invited to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week this coming Sunday afternoon in Victoria, with a fun and educational program for all ages, combined with a fundraising effort for the Syrian refugee program here in Victoria.

Why Jesus would have been at home in Victoria's tent city

“The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope.” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Fear is a familiar companion for most of us.

Finding space for thought and word

One of my favorite spiritual quotations is attributed to St. Francis (though there is debate as to whether he is actually the source), “Share the gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.

Finding a way to live without fear

In a recent meeting, I heard yet another person describe how much they live with fear and anxiety as constant and unwelcome companions.

Catching the Devil by his Tale

Whether we call ourselves secular, spiritual or religious, we all have an operating system of ‘background beliefs’ that inform our attitudes and reactions. We’re often unaware of them, and that, it turns out, is a very dangerous thing.

Inclusiveness can help to prevent radicalization

On November 29 th , about 2 weeks after the Paris bombings, I went to an open house at the mosque on Quadra St. All three levels were packed and the program well-prepared.

World Religions Conference to be held in Victoria

You are cordially invited to a World Religions Conference at the University of Victoria, on Sunday January 17, 2016.

Planted more deeply than all that is wrong

But human beings fall easily into despair, and from the very beginning we invented stories that enabled us to place our lives in a larger setting, that revealed an underlying pattern, and gave us a sense that, against all the depressing and chaotic e

The true magic of meditation

One of the defining aspects of Zen meditation is its emphasis, almost insistence, upon the Self, as an object of meditation as classically defined in Buddhist thought.